Payment can be done through the following payment options:

Option 1: Bank Deposit/Transfer
Account Name: St. Alexius College, Inc.
BDO Account Number: 003330270661
BPI Account Number: 001833126381

Option 2: MLhuilier Bills Payment
– Student will go to any ML branches.
– They must mention that they will pay for St. Alexius College
– Incoming Freshmen Student’s has to provide their:
o Complete Name (Lastname, Firstname and MI)
o Contact Number
o Amount to pay
o Course and Year (Ex. BSN 1 – Incoming)

Option 3: Though JazzyPay

Go to:
Company Name: St. Alexius College

Option 4: Pay cash at the Business Office

Note: Please write the name of the student enrolled on the deposit slip or official receipt before uploading.