Athletic/Sports Scholarship

 An Athletic/Sports Scholarship is awarded to outstanding athletes upon the endorsement and recommendation of the Office of the Student Affairs and the approval of the College Scholarship and Grants Committee. Applicants must have outstanding athletic ability and must be a recipient of awards in their specific sport.

Basic Criteria:

Students who wish to apply for this scholarship must:

  • Be a bonafide student of St. Alexius College- Senior High School;
  • Physically fit with sound mind to overcome rigors of training and academic pressure;
  • Be a player of good standing & practice the spirit of sportsmanship by heart;
  • Have a year-end average of not lower than 75% with no failing marks in any grade subject for both semesters and;
  • No disciplinary sanction

Benefits & Privileges

  • Opportunity to travel to invitational tournaments as approved by Executive Vice-President and DSA
  • Allowance allotted for Regional and National Competitions
  • Incentives given to athletes who win awards in national level competitions
Category Benefits and Privileges Criteria
Category A.1 100% free Tuition, Miscellaneous, Uniform (School and Sports Uniform 1 set only) with allowance, boarding House Compete in National and International Competitions.
Category A.2 100% free Tuition, Miscellaneous, Uniform with allowance, boarding House Compete in National and Local Competitions.
Category B.1 100% free Tuition, Miscellaneous Fees and Uniform Compete in National Level Competitions
Category B.2 100% free Tuition, Miscellaneous Fees Ø  Regional Level
Category C Free Tuition Only Ø  Division Level
Category D 50% Discount on Tuition Fee Ø  City Meets
Category E 25% Discount on Tuition Fee Ø  School Meet