The College of Arts and Sciences program aims to provide varied and holistic educational opportunities for Liberal Education and for the development of competent graduates imbued with Christian and desirable Filipino values, sense of commitment to service and leadership in the fields of Education, Psychology, Guidance and Counseling, Information Technology and Agriculture.
Specifically, the programs aim to:
- Provide a broad liberal education that will develop the competence of the students in their chosen field of specialization in humanities, social and natural sciences, mathematics, information technology, agriculture, aviation and health related courses necessary for gainful employment, or as a foundation for further training beyond the baccalaureate degree;
- Provide General Education courses that would develop analytical and critical thinking, communication skills and sound judgment, and the ability to be responsive to events, situations and realities confronting them;
- Instill in the students a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism and live with their maturity, integrity and social responsibility as concerned citizens and Christians in the community;
- Inculcate proper values, attitudes and habits required in the teaching profession;
- Develop in the students the spirit of scientific inquiry, proficiency in manipulation of skills and the ability to solve problems and issues intelligently and scientifically; and
- Develop the culture of research and application of scientific and technological skills in improving the quality of human life.
- Train students in the areas of Information Technology (IT) theories, concepts and apprentices.
- Prepare students in the scientific habit of thought and entrepreneurial skills to become professionals with entry-level competencies on technical agriculture.