The Diploma in Midwifery is a 2-year direct entry program which prepares the midwives to give the necessary supervision, care and advice to women during pregnancy, labor and post-partum period, and manage normal deliveries on her own responsibility and care for the child. They are also expected to counsel and educate women, family and community regarding family planning including preparation for parenthood/parenting, detect abnormal conditions in the mother and infant and procure specialized assistance as necessary.
Graduates of the Diploma in Midwifery Program are expected to be able to:
- provide necessary supervision, care labor and puerperium. Specifically, they should be able to:
- obtain pertinent history;
- perform physical assessment including vital signs taking;
- do simple laboratory examinations such as hemoglobin determination and urine test for sugar and albumin;
- assess the progress of labor;
- perform relevant midwifery procedures;
- provide appropriate care to the mother and the newborn;
- provide life-saving measures during obstetrical emergencies such as administering IV fluids and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation;
- detect abnormal conditions of the mother and/or newborn; and
- facilitate referrals as necessary.
- Perform primary health care services within the community. Specifically, they should be able to:
- Implement government health programs following proper protocols;
- Administer first aid measures as needed;
- Give appropriate health teachings to individuals, families and the community;
- Supervise barangay health workers; and
- Manage a barangay health station.