The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program is designed to equip students with the knowledge, aptitude and skills required in helping individuals, families, groups and communities cope with current and potential threats to health. It also provides them with a strong academic foundation for graduate studies in nursing.
Program Objectives:
In line with the College Mission statement, the BSN Program is designed to facilitate the development of students who:
- possess a caring behavior (compassionate, competent, committed);
- demonstrate critical and creative thinking;
- practice legal, ethico-moral, social responsibilities and accountabilities;
- demonstrate a broad knowledge and skills on holistic health theories.
- utilize the nursing process as a problem-solving approach in assessing and analyzing health problems as well as effectively planning, implementing and evaluating the outcome of nursing interventions;
- respond to the health needs of the local, national and global community; and
- develop a life-long desire for constant learning for personal and professional growth.
The BSN is a 4-year program of general education and professional courses. Professional courses begin in the first year and threads through the development of competencies up the fourth year level.
The student shall be given opportunities to be exposed to the various levels of health care (health promotion, disease prevention, risk reduction, curative and restoration of health) with various client groups (individual, family, population groups and community).
- At the end of the 1st year, the student shall have acquired an understanding and awareness of himself as an individual and as a member of the family, the community, and the world with emphasis on personal, societal and professional values, responsibilities, rights, and an awareness of physical, social and cultural milieu.
- At the end of the 2nd year, the student shall have acquired the holistic understanding of the human person as a bio-psycho cultural being focusing on the concept of health and illness as it is related to the care of the mother and child in varied settings.
- At the end of the 3rd year, given actual clients/situation with various physiologic and psychosocial alterations, the student shall be able to demonstrate the competencies in all the key areas of responsibilities.
- At the end of the 4th year, given actual clients/situation the student shall be able to demonstrate competencies in all the key areas of responsibility.