Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology is a four year program consisting of general education subjects and professional subjects. The second semester of the fourth year level is the internship program of six (6) months in an accredited training laboratory with rotational duties in different sections such as Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, immunohematology (blood banking), Immunology and Serology, Urinalysis and other Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy), Parasitology, Histopathology/Cytologic techniques and other emergent technologies.
Specifically, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology aims to:
- Develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills in the performance of clinical laboratory procedures needed to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases.
- Develop skills in critical and analytical thinking to advance knowledge in Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science and contribute to the challenges of the profession.
- Develop leadership skills and to promote competence and excellence and;
- Uphold moral and ethical values in the service of society and in the practice of the profession.